Tanz Station – Barmer Bahnhof, Hans-Dietrich-Genscher-Platz 2, 42283 Wuppertal
Eingetragen von Tanz Station – Barmer Bahnhof am 11.11.2021 11.02 Uhr

Online workshop with Susan Klein

Presented by Kompanie merighi | mercy and hosted by Streamworld Tanz Station – Barmer Bahnhof ‚Next Station‘

The workshop series will be held in English and online via Zoom.

Klein Technique™ is a process of discovery and rediscovery. It is ongoing and continual. It requires constant blending of theoretical information and experiential practice. It requires time. Like nature it is ordered and infinite in its discovery. The purpose of Klein Technique™ is education on a profoundly deep level of understanding the full use of the body as an integral whole to maximize full function of each individuals unique movement potential. It is a movement education and re-education, that can be an underpinning for all movement styles, improvisations, athletics, and for the general health of the body in everyday movement. It is a technique that honors the individual. Our goal is to teach movement from the individual perspective of internal knowing and understanding. Students of all levels of practice in Klein Technique™ will gain insight into their movement patterns and habits and gain a greater internal understanding of their bodies. It is a process-oriented practice of great value to people of all proficiency levels, dancers and nondancers alike.

Register at: info.merighimercy@gmail.com

More information: https://tanz-station.de/

Join us. Breathe! Stretch! Connect!!

Weitere Termine: 06.02.2022 16:00 Uhr, 09.01.2022 16:00 Uhr
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