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NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste e.V.

Deutsche Straße 10
44339 Dortmund
How to get here 0231 47 42 92 10
Faxfax 0231 47 42 92 11

One-on-one Coaching

weiterkommen! offers freelance artists and creative artists from NRW the opportunity to book one-on-one coaching sessions of up to 45-60 minutes that focus on a specific issue with experts in the field.

Two coaching sessions are free for members of the NRW Landesbüro; all others pay 25 euros per coaching session.

This is how it works:

  • Contact the expert of your choice using the contact details below.
  • Make an appointment with the expert for an interview, a phone call or a Skype meeting. We recommend that you think about specific questions in advance so that you can use the time as effectively as possible.
  • If you aren’t a member of the NRW Landesbüro or have already used two coaching sessions, you will receive an invoice for 25 euros.
  • Do you wish there was an expert on a particular topic? Feel free to send your suggestions and requests to weiterkommen [at]

The Experts

Alexa Jünkering
Künstlersozialkasse (artists’ social insurance), taxes, legal form and collaborations

Due to increased demand, members of the Landesbüro will be given priority.

Alexa Jünkering has been an independent business consultant for almost 20 years, advising self-employed individuals, small businesses and start-ups in all phases of entrepreneurial development: foundation, growth, crisis, new direction.

Alexa Jünkering
E-Mail: info [at]
Phone: 0231 - 97 59 72 2
Mobile: 0151 - 106 094 49

Due to the ongoing high demand, we have commissioned Alexa Jünkering to bundle the most frequently asked questions gathered in almost three years of one-on-one coaching. The result is an almost 40-page treasure trove of knowledge that contains not only precise answers but also Excel tools that you can use for your own projects. All explanations and examples refer to the realities of working in the field of independent performing arts.

> Go to the FAQs (in German)

Sepide Freitag
Legal consultancy

Consulting field: Contract law including all forms of contract (contracts for work and services, freelance contracts, etc.), copyright law (including collecting societies), funding matters, basic principles of public procurement law, legal forms

Sepide Freitag is a lawyer and producer in Cologne and Brussels. She has worked in legal departments and law firms in labor, media and copyright law and gained international lobbying experience in the international and human rights sector as a legal and political advisor in associations and NGOs in Brussels and Berlin. After her first state examination, she studied art history in Bonn for several semesters and co-directed the agency Danila-Freitag, Agentur für darstellende Künste in Berlin, which she co-founded, as a producer in the field of dance and performance until 2023.

As a member of the global producer network PADA, she campaigns for better working conditions for producers and, as a lawyer, advises clients from the arts and creative scene in the areas of corporate law, contract law and copyright and media law.

E-Mail: einzelcoaching [at]

Kirsten Ballhorn
Event and occupational safety

As an independent occupational safety specialist, Kirsten Ballhorn advises theatres and cultural institutions on all aspects of occupational and event safety. In one-on-one coaching sessions, she can be consulted on questions relating to occupational safety, event safety and compatibility with the arts.

Kirsten Ballhorn
E-Mail: k.ballhorn [at]
Mobil: 0177 8677295

Christian Grüner

Christian Grüner has been working as an insurance broker specialised in the artistic field for almost 18 years. He advises on all issues relating to private insurance, in particular liability and property insurance, as well as insurance for individual life risks.

E-Mail: gruener [at]
Phone: 02331 - 97 17 67 1

Nilüfer Kemper
Finance, applications, proof of use

Nilüfer Kemper has been working as a freelance cultural manager and producer for the independent performing arts scene in the Ruhr region for 30 years. Her main areas of expertise are project management and business management (funding, contracts, finance and controlling). She has worked for numerous independent artists and institutions as well as festivals, including as managing director of the Theater im Depot in Dortmund, as commercial director of the NRW theatre festival FAVORITEN and as executive education officer of the LAG Tanz NRW.

Nilüfer Kemper
Phone: 0152 336 488 55

Jenny Eimer
Sustainability in the cultural sector

Jenny Eimer, cultural economist, has worked in the Landesbüro since 2018 and has been a transformation manager for sustainable culture/ IHK since 2023. She advises on topics such as sustainability strategy, carbon footprint, certification systems - both in the context of individual projects and for long-term processes in her own organization or for her own ensemble. Procurement, mobility, material cycles or climate impact adaptation can also be key points for topics and approaches for measures to reduce your own carbon footprint.

Specific questions can also be asked in writing (by e-mail) at any time. For detailed consultation requests, please make an appointment in advance.


E-Mail: j.eimer [at]
Phone: 0231 - 47 42 92 09

Elisa Müller

Artists and parenthood

The debate about the (im)compatibility of parenthood and work or career opportunities regularly comes to a head. There have long been no satisfactory political, structural or social solutions. All the more reason why we are still left to our own devices to find solutions for the best possible work-life balance. The coaching is an offer to work on your own questions and problems regarding the compatibility of parenthood and being an artist.

Elisa Müller
E-Mail: e.l.i.s [at]

Ulrike Seybold
Funding nationwide

Ulrike Seybold, Chief Executive at the NRW Landesbüro, provides information on the broad spectrum of state and federal funding, but not so much on the municipal funding system, because it is simply too diverse. Appointments are better made in person at the NRW Landesbüro, but can also be made by phone.

Ulrike Seybold
E-Mail: u.seybold [at]
Phone: 0231 - 47 42 92 10

Miriam Venn
Projects with refugees, with focus on asylum and residence law, labour law provisions, interculturality, language training

Miriam Venn, coordinator and initiator of the Sprockhövel refugee aid programme, advises on questions about asylum and residence law, labour market integration and language training for refugees. She also provides practice tips on how to deal with authorities & Co.

Miriam Venn
info [at]
Phone: 0176 - 205 215 75